Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Can MBAs be 'Patriots'?

Patriotism.The moment we hear the word,flash comes to mind a picture of a soldier in uniform or a freedom fighter (whoever we might have read of),as if it has reduced to a prerogative or an obligation of only a particular section of the society.This sort of patriotism can be more appropriately termed as ‘border patriotism’ or ‘historical patriotism’.In the modern world,it is either considered too ideal or too redundant a thing to be practiced.What then is the need to be patriotic when the country is independent?”We the people of India had already solemnly resolved to secure to ‘all’ its citizens justice,liberty,equality,fraternity etc. and have given to ourselves this Constitution.”Something such goes the Preamble.Okay.Now few of us count ourselves in the ‘We’ and those that count themselves secure to themselves justice, liberty,equality and want others to fraternize with them.So over time,’We’ has reduced to ‘I’.Personal advancement is seen as a mark of the advancement of the nation.But what if I rise but the nation does not rise?

Why have I chosen MBAs only to put my point?Well,this community is seen as the face of the emerging India.The sky rocketing salaries,considered almost unrealistic by the common man,which capture the imagination of the youth does have a profound effect on the choices made by them as can be seen by the increasing number of aspirants for management entrance examinations.The ‘deadly’ combination of a techno-managerial qualification inspires so much enthusiasm that it results in increasing number of engineering aspirants as well.So much so that IIMs have almost become an extension of the IITs!(Why then separate nomenclature?).I think I am digressing.

Coming to the point,MBAs have only an indicative meaning here.In any field,professionals with superior technical and managerial skills are grabbed by the corporate for the sole reason to be more profitable.These ‘human resources’ are managed and motivated to achieve ‘organiosational goals’,as in common management parlance.But is not nation the bigger organization?Intellectuals are the strength of and an asset for any nation.They are the ones who lead and channelize the efforts of the general working class leading to overall development.But before being part of an organization,are they not a part of the nation first?Do they not feel the same sense of belonging and responsibility towards the nation as they do for the organization?Are they not first the enlightened citizens of India?Can we not be good human beings and citizens alongwith being a good professional?Its the mercenary mentality that has replaced the word ‘society’ with the word ‘economy’ for the country.The way we try to balance our professional and personal duties,can we not balance them with out national duties as well?Or has the meaning of ‘duty’ become one dimensional?

In no way are the starving millions any less important than us.So the most important thing we need to do to discharge our national duties as well is to simply begin to vote in the elections.Democracy can never succeed where the illiterate and ignorant decide their leader.The problem is that the people who can differentiate between the right and the wrong do not vote and the people who cannot have almost cent percent voting ratio.The problem worsens when the intelligentsia becomes indifferent towards whatever goes on in the society.In order to preserve their peace of mind and the false social prestige they give the rationale of being apolitical.There arises great danger when the rationals begin to rationalize this way and thereby degenerate to left-brained,process driven individuals only.Well,we claim that education broadens the outlook but on objective assessment we see that it has been limiting our consciousness.And according to Swami Vivekananda,’Dharma’ is the expansion of consciousness.I think the implication is clear.

So with this simple step towards discharging out national duties,a person can be a responsible citizen alongwith being a good banker,chartered accountant,engineer,doctor,teacher etc.Patriotism in the modern era does not always require sacrifice of life or even a life of comforts.It does not always mean being an activist.It just requires us not to think of ourselves as being isolated from the society at large.A householder should not forget that he is also a citizen of the country.Just doing our bit towards the society and expanding our limited consciousness is what is required to be patriotic.And for the people in the corporate sector,this is the most fundamental CSR.Thus even MBAs can be ‘patriots’.

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