Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Law of Equilibrium

Life is such a complex phenomenon.In it there are many desires,passions and resulting pleasures and sorrows.With each moment of happiness is tied a moment of despair,though they seldom occur simultaneously.This is a law,not that of social sciences,but an exact and scientific one.Still the human mind keeps running after happiness,wants to get this ‘coin’ seeing the ‘head’ of happiness ignoring the ‘tail’ of despair. In a way,the mechanism of life which is characteristically simple and straight forward is made complex by the mind.Use of intellect helps to restore the simplicity.For what phenomenon is there in the universe that doesn’t occur for the restoration of equilibrium?The more the mind is in pursuit of happiness,the more doggedly will despair follow it and vice-versa.So what then is the remedy?Its merely the knowledge of the cause.Desist the cause,desist the effect.As for real happiness,it lies in the equilibrium.

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